Tuesday, February 5, 2013

McDonalds Sushi Rolls

So after watching numerous episodes of Epic Mealtime we wanted to make fast food sushi, we didn't have any kind of cooking equipment yet so after looking on amazon we came across a $17 six cup rice cooker. As college students on a budget it was ordered immediately. Following its arrival we searched for local asian markets in Vallejo, to no surprise there were only two. One was like a convenience store of asian markets being in an old are a vallejo which mostly had filipino food, but was good for the rolling mats and a bag of rice. The other market is like the Walmart of asian super stores and carried everything else.

Once back at the downstairs mixup (Dorm room under the housing director) we proceeded to cook away.

The rice cooker is nicely set up on the fridge and out of the way and the side table made a nice work station. So for the Mickey D's items we got the 20 piece nuggies meal, 3 cheeseburgers and a Mc Chicken. The sauces were saracha sauce and a shit load of sweet and sour sauce complements of Mr. R Mc D.

We rolled a few fatties

From left to right: Burgers and fries, Nugs, Burgers and nugs

From left to right: Burgers and nugs, nugs and Mc Chicken, and nugs

In total we made six rolls, each was about a cup of rice a roll. In the end we ate all but half a roll.

Immediately following the feast I thought I was going to have a stroke and promptly went into a food coma. 

-Eddie & Loren

1 comment:

  1. In 1988, McDonald's opened its first restaurant during a communist country with the opening of a franchise in Belgrade Yugoslavia, which is now referred to as Serbia. Two years later the primary McDonald's franchise within the Soviet was opened
    what time does mcdonalds serve lunch
