Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Mess Deck Delight

Welcome back sports fans! So for those of you readers from CMA you already know the pure gnarliness of the food we are forced to choke down three times a day. I'm going to make this post short but I want to point out just one of the reasons we decided to start making our foods.

So tonight I went to the mess deck, I was so hungry I would have eaten the balls off of a low flying duck. Well not to my surprise, the food that was served was worthy of an Epic Meal Time, only didn't look delicious one bit. We got a little crazy and decided to try the "Open Face Meatloaf Sammich" and tots.

This beast was one tough chew. Well i should say tough swallow as the meat kept solid but turned into meat toothpaste in my piehole. I tried adding onions to mask the taste but that only made matters worse. So after drowning the entire "meal" in ketchup I was able to finish most of it.

If it isn't obvious, this is why we have attempted to make our own grub.

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