Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Spam Musubi (Mitsubishi) Sushi

Loren- I went home and got a can of spam, rice seasoning, wasabi powder, and a few other ingredients. After the success of the last culinary experience Eddie and I wanted to make something else, so spam musubi it was.

We cooked 3 cups of rice making 6 cups of cooked, mixed in the seasoning until it was peppered throughout.

The first problem we had was not having a musubi mold, normally you can buy them at almost any asian dollar store so if you want one go find it. We used a tupperware that was in the room to mold the rice into blocks. 

The tupperware is filled to about an inch from the bottom

Then just packed it down to hold the shape

At first I just wanted to warm up the spam in the rice cooker as the rice cooked but that would be like eating a warm soft pork stick, so Eddie broke out the quesadilla maker to grill the canned meat.

At first we were pretty impressed with ourselves until the room started filling with the aroma of two boars mating, so we opened all the windows. Then our friend told us it smelled like a steamy barn yard all the way down the walk way. So we will have to fix that in the future.

The Nori (Weed wrapper) was left over from the last adventure of sushi, it is just half a full wrapper and fit the block of rice perfectly

We still had three sweet and sour sauces left over so those integrated well

The world famous cock sauce was brought to the food orgy

We made 7 musubis with one being segregated due to the lack of weed wrappers. The combinations we made were 2 with wasabi, 2 with cock sauce, 2 sweet and sour, and 2 with everything.

They tasted great, each with a hint of mating boar. As a half asian myself I was impressed with them tasting pretty close to real musubis. 

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